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19h11's apllication

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19h11's apllication Empty 19h11's apllication

Post  19h11 Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:50 am

General Information

Name - Sjors
Age - 17
Sex - Male
Country - Netherlands

Maplestory Related

Main Character - 19h11
Level - 105
Job - Kaiser
Other Characters
Level 139 Aran - AsGapp
Level 122 Bishop - LukIessheaI
Level 127 Mercedes - Duckytube (Demethos)
Level 92 hermit - sgaap
Level 31 Islander - sgàap
Apart from that mostly mules etc.
Previous guilds
1. Mushies, left after joining a friends guild
2. Galaxy, been in this for some while, and about 3 times
3. Goldrush, I don't really know why I left again.
4. Undiespatrol, I'm still in the guild, but it's dead on maple.
Th rest of my guilds weren't really memorable, as they were random invites, which I reply with random leaves.
Why Vortex/Vector
I was getting a bit lonely on my kaiser, with only a few of my friends still playing, and my guild is dead. So I looked on the nexon forum, and your thread looked fairly cool, and a small, fun playerbase was just what I'm looking for.
Which members do you know already
I don;t think I know anyone yet, unless Jeycob is the same person as Jaycob.
How many hours do you play every week/day
It really depends on the week, sometimes I'm really busy (last year of highschool) but I can usually at least play 1 hour a day (exception on saturday, That one is filled with work and going out)
For how long have you been playing Maplestory
Started playing on my hermit in march 2008.

Source of my IGN is the song 19h11 from danger, which I unfortunately can't post :(

Posts : 20
Points : 21513
Join date : 2012-12-11

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19h11's apllication Empty Re: 19h11's apllication

Post  Devote Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:46 am

I like your application. I'm voting yes.

Btw. Don't think that Jaycob guy and Jeycob in our guild is the same person indeed. Well unless jeycob typod it or something. Smile

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Join date : 2011-10-09
Age : 32
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19h11's apllication Empty Re: 19h11's apllication

Post  Nirgilis Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:48 am

Hey Sjors, nice to meet you! I like your app. It's nice and compact and I don't see what you'd have to add.

It's understandable that sometimes you won't have time to play. Study and life is more important than Mapling.

For the rest, I like the vibe I'm getting, so I vote yes. :).

I'd just like to know out of curiosity, what is the reason you've made a Kaiser your new main?


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Age : 33
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19h11's apllication Empty Re: 19h11's apllication

Post  Jeycob Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:28 pm

I do not think that i know you o: We might have meet before tho!
There are One guy in EMS called Jaycob, that's not me.
IGNS: Jeycob,Nacklob,Forthefallen

anyways, good application! :)
I vote yes ^^


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19h11's apllication Empty Re: 19h11's apllication

Post  Flugtsnabel Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:03 am

I vote yes aswell, shouldn't be a problem that you need time for school and other stuff too. Guess most of us do ^^


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19h11's apllication Empty Re: 19h11's apllication

Post  Phannie Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:16 am


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19h11's apllication Empty Re: 19h11's apllication

Post  19h11 Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:46 am

Thanks for the positive replies guys!

Cryselia wrote:
I'd just like to know out of curiosity, what is the reason you've made a Kaiser your new main?
I've used my aran as main for more than 2 years now, and I really have played him enough. I don't really get exited anymore when I'm playing it, while I can discover new thing while playing on my kaiser. And the bishop was never really intended to be a main. So maybe it won't be my main anymore when Angelic buster gets released, since I'm looking forward for that one too, I really enjoy playing on it atm and want to keep this my main for at least a while.

Posts : 20
Points : 21513
Join date : 2012-12-11

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19h11's apllication Empty Re: 19h11's apllication

Post  Devote Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:56 am


Posts : 172
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Join date : 2011-10-09
Age : 32
Location : Sweden

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